Dear Ms. Hale:
Thank you for contacting me to express your opposition to a proposal to broaden the federal government's regulatory authority over dietary supplements. I appreciate hearing from you.
You will be pleased to hear that an amendment to give the Federal Trade Commission more regulatory authority over dietary supplements was removed from the final version of the new Wall Street reform bill (H.R.4173) before it was signed into law on July 21, 2010.
Be assured that I will keep your views in mind should the Senate consider legislation regarding dietary supplements in the future.
Again, thank you for writing to me. Please feel free to contact me again about this or other issues of concern to you.
Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
These sneaky last minute amendments are tacked on to avoid notice, they come off as concern for our health because we aren't smart enough to decide for ourselves, when the real issue is that natural and alternative health solutions have become widely available via the internet along with tons of great research and medical opinion, right at our fingertips and the jury is in, they have since time immemorial been used to help keep people healthy, improve core issues, illnesses, ailments and boost immune function which helps keep people out of the disease loop of chemicals that treat symptoms vs heal the root cause. Bottom line is the drug companies and medical industry isn't happy with the competition and want to control it for themselves, to divert our buying practices to their pockets at the cost of our freedom.
Now, I'm not saying there aren't good and valid uses for medications and some vaccines that have stamped out real epidemics and plagues but we've been used as guinea pigs for their revenues as they've created diseases and disorders to give us the public a reason for buying their drugs. They urge us to tell our doctors which drugs we want to try, what they should prescribe. They now actually pitch us on media day in and day out. They have a vested interest in keeping us engaged with their marketing and tied to their drugs. If we aren't allowed into the process of decisions on our health care and what we choose to put into our bodies, what have we become? It's too frightening to believe actually. It's as if we are cattle or some commodity that is being fought over for control for the revenue.
Check out the Life Extension Foundation Watch Page for Specifics and Info on How to Take Action HERE
Alliance for Natural Health Article
Drug Companies Win Big and Eliminate Medical Herbs from Europe
In less than a year, virtually all medicinal herbs will be illegal in the European Union.
In their take-no-prisoners strategy to wipe out every penny of competition and gain complete control of the health of the people, Big Pharma and Agribusiness have scored a major win in Europe. Similar, potentially devastating battles are also underway in the U.S.
How can this be happening? The secret weapon used by drug companies is trade law. According to Gaia Health:
In their take-no-prisoners strategy to wipe out every penny of competition and gain complete control of the health of the people, Big Pharma and Agribusiness have scored a major win in Europe. Similar, potentially devastating battles are also underway in the U.S.
How can this be happening? The secret weapon used by drug companies is trade law. According to Gaia Health:
“Rather than treating food and traditional medicines as human rights issues, they have been treated as trade issues. That makes the desires of large corporations the focus of food and herbal law, rather than the needs and desires of people. It's this twisting that has resulted in the FDA's making outrageously absurd statements, such as claiming that Cheerios and walnuts quite literally become drugs simply because of health claims made for them.”
If you follow any of these links you'll find a way to use a prewritten letter you can add to or modify and sign off to send to your representative - get involved, share the info, let's stop this and warn others we aren't the passive dummies they think we are,
Shame on the politicians, earlier it was John McCain and this amendment was Henry Waxman's wording , he's been at this for decades actually, bought out by this unscrupulous agenda, their campaign contributors to get reelected, the paybacks for the cash infusions that keep them in office, where they have the top level medical benefits, the huge incomes, and availability to the best options. Either these politicos who try these sneaky tactics are completely baffled by the bullshit of these lobbyists and contributing industry agendas, claiming they provide jobs when those jobs are just more of their agents pushing the latest drug samples to overworked doctors who haven't time to listen to their patients fully, sit and figure out what's really wrong but rather hand out band-aids in the form of samples and hope it suffices. There's not enough time to allow them to really analyze the core problem and its complexities, and when nutrition is not part of the scenario you're missing the key component of health.
After all, our bodies become deficient of necessary nutrients for optimal function, not deficient of drugs or medications, those are ingested to change, alter, stop or increase something internally and come with side effects because it's not a natural process. It seems to me the drug companies want you to be on lifetime medications, many have withdrawal symptoms that are a danger to your health if you stop taking them suddenly. Nobody's saying to abolish the drug industry so why is it the opposite is being legislated out from under us? Pharmaceutical related deaths from over use of acetaminophen, brand name Tylenol, are huge as it has liver toxicity risk. N Acetyl Cysteine will help protect you from that toxicity. There's a prime example of how supplements can help and be used in tandem when you must take a chemical compound for a problem.
Doctors are not required to have more than 50 hours at most, my doctor told me it was far less when he was in school, of nutritional training to become degreed and licensed to practice medicine. There's the key, practice medicine. Western medicine is patch and repair, it treats the symptom, not the core problem. Cancer gets blasted with poison they gauge hoping to give enough to kill the cancer but not the patient. Have you ever seen how someone on chemo looks? If ever I was diagnosed with Cancer I'd definitely take a holistic approach and go off the grid to try alternatives before ever considering chemo but that's me after seeing what it did to a few people. No thanks.
I'd start with nutritional upgrade to radical degree, like macrobiotics and meditation to name a couple of changes. There are more successes being reported with alternative therapies than ever before. These are two separate fields, medicine and nutrition. Neither should attempt to control the other without properly being trained and none of earth's solutions should be controlled and rationed out to us like children.
I value the medical and scientific field, and I'd like to rephrase my statement in light of confusing anyone. I have a trusted physician and rely upon his knowledge and tests to diagnose things based on blood work and his decades of hands on experience with patients, illness and treatments. I would not do anything because of my own suspicion or guesswork if I thought I had cancer symptoms, I'd go to my doctor and have him check it out. I trust him and know he'd be straight with me. I also know he'd be open to my preferred method of treatment if I declined chemo. He would likely warn me, give me statistics and in the end based on taking it all in, if I were to go against his advice, he'd support my decision but be ready to help me if I changed my mind. He would also be open to trying a combination of treatments, even if it weren't in his repertoire, even, I believe, conferring with a naturopath should I ask him to. He's a communicator and not a dictator. He's seen miracles in his practice and doesn't force his ego into the equation. His goal is the health and wellbeing of his patient. That's the doctor I trust and work with. They're worth their weight in gold. Or is it platinum? :)
Now some doctors are better than others and are extremely caring, incredibly knowledgeable and even intuitive, but the better they are the less time they can give you in a visit because of their high patient load. I've been lucky to have had 2 of those doctors in my life, and in my kids life. Boy is that pediatrician busy, 5 mins, that's all you get, you have to fight to get your stuff in and remind him as he's flying off to the next patient. He got my boys through asthma which was a terrifying disease. Never cured it, always treated symptoms.
I've personally worked with a doctor who while not being current on nutrition and supplements, leery of them in fact, he was open to discussion and never imposed his opinion on me. We tested things and he has seen first hand how the supplements I use have assisted in getting me back into a healthy optimal state and protected me from side effects of medication.
I couldn't have asked for a better doctor, but he's an anomaly in that he'll give me whatever time I need, an hour even, but this is due to his taking part in a new type of program where the patient has to pay annually on top of regular premiums or office visits to be a patient. This is what doctors who care and dont want to settle for less quality have had to resort to to have a manageable patient load. That's another topic for another time.
The best doctors are those who work with you, discuss their decisions, are open to your questions, will consider you part of your own health team rather than the old school God Complex you didn't dare question. I don't believe the physicians are in cahoots with the agenda of the pharmaceutical industry and now it seems the agribusiness industry is involved in the herbal battle. It's money, always money and we are in the middle as pawns. The two industries are in product development mode, looking for another hot product, modified grains and additives that are top secret and the oddest correlation of it all is that our US population has never had higher rates of overweight, obesity, surgical intervention for obesity, diabetes, heart disease and more. With all this food modification and drug production all in the name of health, why is we are in epidemic proportion of these food related diseases and kids are now in the fray too? Is it just a coincidence? Why only the US?
I think the food and drug industries have entirely too much control over supply and availability .. if we want to use supplements we shouldn't be controlled and certainly not by these two entities, and government to boot. We've been sedated by anti-depressants and thrown into financial crisis that keeps us so busy we've got no energy or time to fight, which may be part of their agenda, but we can make time for important things when all it takes is a signature and stamp or email. It says NO, back off, don't mess with my rights! These amendments are snuck in on the back of a larger bill without much notice but thankfully there are watchdogs who alert those of us who use .... this time we stopped the U.S. action of the Pharma industry.. Read here on and click the headline and links to read more info to understand that this isn't a cause to ignore regardless of your current use or non use of supplements. Don't wait till they're pulled from shelves and only dosed out by physicians or limited to the baseline level vitamins that keep you from scurvy and rickets, nothing more. One this is gone, what will they want next??
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