Above photo of raw materials used to formulate Lugol's Iodine Solution, a folk remedy used to help with goiters and thyroid symptoms before synthetic drugs became the western medical standard. Iodine is necessary for every cell in your body and deficiencies are reported to be worldwide.
I purchased these elements and a bottle of prepared Lugol's 2% Iodine Solution
from an Ebay seller for extremely reasonable cost. You can also purchase a bottle of the formulation many places on the web. Swanson's Vitamins sells a bottle for about $10.
Use the link on the right for any current discounts available.
Or click this link to go directly to the Lugol's page
For those interested in learning how to make your own, here's a youtube video link to a naturopath demonstrating how to make it. I don't have any connection to this person, these videos are posted for the sole purpose of explaining the process and uses of Lugol's Iodine Solution. All other opinions are his alone.
While many are new to the concept of using iodine to replenish the body's deficiency, there's a growing number of people becoming aware of this issue and the news is spreading about how valuable iodine is to the body and it's numerous values attributed to its use. From reversing health problems of myriad types to energy and detoxification from halides that we absorb and which block iodine uptake, the list is long and vast.
This brings us back to the old folk medicine recipes long ago abandoned by 'civilized society' as thyroid meds and other so called medical advances have become the norm. The doctors tell us iodine is poisonous and there's no need for if you use table salt. They aren't aware of the common deficiencies being detected and how iodine interelates to so many crucial function in the body. Not to mention protection from radiation poisoning.
You may be intrigued and want to try it for yourself but it's important you understand this is NOT the tincture of Iodine , not the stuff you find on drug store shelves used for wounds. It's also not Povidone Iodine. Those are topical use only. Then there's others you can take internally but some are more bioavailable and active than others. It's a little intimidating unless you've got solid information which I urge you to get for yourself prior to starting on it. The forerunning pioneers of this movement are doctors who've put their information and research out there for review The Iodine Group at http://www.iodine4health.com/basic/iodinegroup.htm .
From reproduction challenges, thyroid, fybromyalgia, breast cancer and so many more, the reasons to pay attention to iodine is vast and the interest is growing, but not without attracting controversy as all new schools of thought do. Since it's rare that your doctor will prescribe iodine it's going to take an informed decision and the web has a lot of it. Some commercially driven, some benevolent and experiential with a lot of testimonials to back them up.
There are a number of places on the web to learn about the use and benefit of iodine therapy which you should definitely take the time to research and learn about prior to jumping into this therapy. Learning about the amounts to take is very important as well as which types are most effective, and the difference in cost is something to factor in as well.
Too high a dose starting off can overwhelm you. There are also labs that offer tests to check out your levels.
You can also join the Iodine Group on Yahoo.com for in depth personal experience from people using the formulation and clinical information or visit the curezone.com and check out their iodine resources.
Regarding the Radiation concerns and iodine;
Here's the blog of Dr.Brownstein, the doctor who wrote the book on iodine and why your body needs it. You can find it offered at his site below where he also addresses the radiation concerns from the Japanese nuclear powerplant and personal protection here. https://www.drbrownstein.com/homePage.php
Japan Radiation Update
I have received many questions from my post yesterday about the nuclear disaster in Japan. Unfortunately, there has been little information about the amount of radiation released from either Japan or the U.S. I find it hard to believe no one in the U.S. government has any idea on the amount of radiation that has been released and the amount of radiation that is predicted to fall over the U.S. in the next 3-7 days.
What should we do? I still say that we have time to sit tight as there is still time to take enough iodine in order to prevent problems from radioactive iodine. How much iodine? As stated yesterday, the U.S. government recommends 130mg of potassium iodide in the event of a nuclear disaster. However, that amount is only necessary for those who are near a nuclear explosion.
Thankfully, we are not near the explosion. As the cloud drifts over the ocean, the amount of radioactivity will dissipate. Although there is no sure amount that we know will prevent damage from this catastrophe, ensuring adequate iodine intake will minimize any exposure to radioactive iodine. How much iodine is that? Until we know what the exposure is going to be, no one can know what dose of iodine to take.
Now it is time to get off the fence. The average Japanese ingests around 13mg of iodine per day. This is 100x more than the average U.S. citizen. I have discussed this in my book, Iodine Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It. Since I have been recommending most people take 6-50mg of iodine per day, I would suggest taking the average Japanese dose of 13mg/day. This is one Iodoral pill or one Iodozyme HP pill or two drops of Lugol’s iodine. I do not believe microgram doses will do the trick.
There is risk with taking iodine, just as there is risk with any substance, but my experience has shown this dose to be safe for the vast majority of people. Please discuss this dosage with your health care provider before beginning supplementation.
In the next day or two, I will try to answer the questions that I have received about this crises. Also, I will keep you informed if any new information becomes available.
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