
Sunday, April 3

What Can You Do To Protect Yourself From the Fallout- Symptoms of Radiation Poisoning

I found a report on Chernobyl and thought it may be the best information to determine what we may be dealing with since we can't seem to get rational answers or those that are trustworthy. 
The link below will open the entire report and conclusions but for speed I'm copying excerpts following the link for brevity.
Chernobyl Accident and its Consequences
 Key Facts

The April 1986 disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was the product of a severely flawed reactor design. In addition, serious mistakes were made by the plant operators, who violated procedures intended to ensure safe operation of the plant.

The accident destroyed the reactor in Unit 4, killed 31 people (one immediately and 30 within three months) and contaminated large areas of Belarus (formerly Byelorussia), Ukraine and the Russian Federation. The Chernobyl accident was a unique event, on a scale by itself. It was the only time in the history of commercial nuclear electricity generation that radiation-related fatalities occurred.

Epidemiological studies have been hampered in the former Soviet Union by a lack of funds, an infrastructure with little or no experience in chronic disease epidemiology, poor communication facilities and an immediate public health problem with many dimensions. Emphasis has been placed on screening rather than on well-designed epidemiological studies. International efforts to organize epidemiological studies have been slowed by some of the same factors, especially the lack of a suitable scientific infrastructure.

An increased incidence of thyroid cancer among children in areas of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia affected by the Chernobyl accident has been firmly established as a result of screening programs and, in the case of Belarus, an established cancer registry. The findings of most epidemiological studies must be considered interim, say experts, as analysis of the health effects of the accident is an ongoing process.

The activities undertaken by Belarus and Ukraine in response to the accident--remediation of the environment, evacuation and resettlement, development of noncontaminated food sources and food distribution channels, and public health measures--have overburdened the governments of those countries. International agencies and foreign governments have provided extensive logistic and humanitarian assistance. In addition, the work of the European Commission and World Health Organization in strengthening the epidemiological research infrastructure in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus is laying the basis for major advances in these countries' ability to carry out epidemiological studies of all kinds.

The Accident: What Happened

The RBMK design used at Chernobyl has a "positive void coefficient." This means the nuclear chain reaction and power output increases when cooling water is lost. The large value of the "positive void coefficient" caused the uncontrollable power surge that led to Chernobyl's destruction. To make matters worse, the Soviet operators had disengaged several safety and cooling systems and taken other unauthorized actions during a test of electrical equipment. This made the Chernobyl unit even more vulnerable to the uncontrollable power surge. The power surge and chemical explosions that followed were so powerful that they lifted the 1,000-metric-ton cover off the top of the reactor.

The Chernobyl plant did not have the massive containment structure common to most nuclear power plants elsewhere in the world. Without this protection, radioactive material escaped to the environment. However, because the estimated energy released by the explosions was greater than most containment designs could withstand, it is highly unlikely that a containment structure could have prevented the release of radioactive material at Chernobyl. The crippled Chernobyl reactor is now enclosed in a hurriedly constructed concrete sarcophagus, which is growing weaker over time. The Ukrainian government is considering the feasibility of building a second structure over the sarcophagus.

Contamination, Exposures, Evacuations

Soviet scientists have reported that the Chernobyl Unit 4 reactor contained about 190 metric tons of uranium dioxide fuel and fission products. Estimates of the amount of this material that escaped range from 13 percent to 30 percent.

Contamination from the Chernobyl accident was not evenly spread across the surrounding countryside, but scattered irregularly depending on weather conditions. Reports from Soviet and Western scientists indicate that Belarus received about 60 percent of the contamination that fell on the former Soviet Union. But a large area in the Russian Federation south of Bryansk was also contaminated, as were parts of northwestern Ukraine.

Short-Term Impact. Workers involved in the recovery and cleanup after the accident received high doses of radiation. In most cases, these workers were not equipped with individual dosimeters to measure the amount of radiation received, so experts can only estimate their doses. Also, dosimetric procedures varied. Some workers are thought to have better estimated doses than others. According to Soviet estimates, between 300,000 and 600,000 people were involved in the cleanup of the 30-kilometer evacuation zone around the reactor, but many of them entered the zone two years after the accident. (Estimates of the number of "liquidators"--workers brought into the area for accident management and recovery work--vary; the World Health Organization, for example, puts the figure at about 800,000.) In the first year after the accident, the number of cleanup workers in the zone was estimated to be 211,000, and these workers received an estimated average dose of 165 millisievert (16.5 rem).

Some children in the contaminated areas were exposed to high thyroid doses (up to 5,000 rad) because of an intake of radioiodine, a relatively short-lived isotope, from contaminated local milk. Several studies have found that the incidence of thyroid cancer among children in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia has risen sharply (see World Health Organization, page 154; Ivanov, Tsyb Studies, page 159; European Commission Program, page 159; Ukrainian Studies, page 160; and Swiss-Belarussian Paper, page 162). The childhood thyroid cancers that have appeared are of a large and aggressive type, and if detected early, can be treated. Treatment entails surgery followed by iodine-131 therapy for any metastases. To date, such treatment appears to have been successful in all diagnosed cases.

Longer-Term Impact. Right after the accident, the main health concern involved radioiodine, with a half-life of eight days. Today, in addition to radioiodine, there is concern about contamination of the soil with cesium-137, which has a half-life of about 30 years.

According to reports from Soviet scientists at the First International Conference on the Biological and Radiological Aspects of the Chernobyl Accident (September 1990), fallout levels in the 10-kilometer zone around the plant were as high as 130,000 curies per square kilometer. The so-called "red forest" of pine trees killed by heavy radioactive fallout lies within the 10-kilometer zone.

Soviet authorities started evacuating people from the area around Chernobyl within 36 hours of the accident. By May 1986, about a month later, all those living within a 30-kilometer (18-mile) radius of the plant--about 116,000 people--had been relocated.

According to reports from Soviet scientists, 28,000 square kilometers (10,811 sq.mi.) were contaminated by cesium-137 to levels greater than five curies per square kilometer. Roughly 830,000 people lived in this area. About 10,500 square kilometers (4,054 sq.mi.) were contaminated by cesium-137 to levels greater than 15 curies per square kilometer. Of this total, roughly 7,000 (2,703 sq.mi.) lie in Belarus, 2,000 (772 sq.mi.) in the Russian Federation and 1,500 (579 sq.mi.) in Ukraine. About 250,000 people lived in this area. These reported data were corroborated by the International Chernobyl Project.


World Health Organization. In 1992, a team of medical specialists under the auspices of the World Health Organization's (WHO) regional office in Europe visited Minsk to study reports of an increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer in Belarus. The team examined 11 children in Belarus who had been operated on for thyroid cancer and were hospitalized for treatment or evaluation. The team also studied the histological slides of 104 children who had been diagnosed since January 1989 with thyroid cancer, and examined data on the incidence of thyroid cancer in Belarus.

In a letter on its work published in the British science magazine Nature in September 1992, the team said that the experience in Belarus suggested that the consequences to the human thyroid of radioactive fallout are much greater than previously thought. The team concluded, "The accident and its impact on Belarus poses a challenge to the international community to promoting research for the understanding of the basic processes underlying the phenomenon. Understanding the consequences of Chernobyl will provide an important basis for preventive action in future."

he same issue of Nature carried a letter from medical authorities in Belarus, who reported a "great increase" in cases of thyroid cancer among children, with the greatest increase in the Gomel region, where fallout from Chernobyl was highest. "We believe that the only realistic explanation for the that it is the direct consequence of the accident at Chernobyl," wrote the authors Vasiliy Kazakov, Yevgeniy Demidchik and Larisa Astakhova.

The International Program on the Health Effects of the Chernobyl Accident (IPHECA), established under the auspices of WHO in 1991, was a cooperative effort involving Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, WHO and several other countries and organizations. The program's aim was to quantify the effects of the Chernobyl accident on the population, provide recommendations for treatment, and devise more effective programs for managing such accidents in the future.

Under the program, five pilot projects were launched: on thyroid disease, hematologic disease, brain damage in utero, management of epidemiological studies, and oral health (in Belarus). The pilot thyroid project, which ran for three years, screened 70,000 children from the contaminated areas of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine to determine the nature of any short-term health effects. The screening identified a very large increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer in the affected countries, according to WHO.

These findings of increased childhood thyroid cancer were reviewed by an international scientific panel and published in a letter in the March 25, 1995, issue of the British Medical Journal. The letter, written by scientists from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and WHO, reported an increased incidence of childhood thyroid cancer between 1991 and 1994 of 96.4 per million in the Gomel region of Belarus, 11.5 per million in five regions in the north of Ukraine, and 10 per million in Russia's Bryansk and Kaluga regions. The authors concluded: "It is notable that in the regions most affected about 2.3 million children were resident at the time of the accident. This led to unprecedented exposure of a population to ionising radiation, which demands an international response."


In 1992, the European Commission published a report by a panel of experts on childhood thyroid cancer. According to the panel, which documented its findings on the occurrence of childhood thyroid cancer in Belarus and northern Ukraine, there was a true increase in the incidence of this cancer in areas around Chernobyl, and intensive screening programs were unlikely to have accounted for much of the increase. The panel concluded that radioactive iodine was the most likely cause of the increase. The panel also noted that affected children were not receiving optimum treatment, despite the efforts of medical authorities in Belarus and Ukraine, because of the lack of adequate surgical and therapeutic facilities.

In 1994, the European Commission's European Office for Humanitarian Aid launched a project to supply specialist equipment and medicines for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of children with thyroid cancer in Belarus and Ukraine.

The work sponsored by the European Commission, as well as by the World Health Organization, is helping to provide a foundation for advances in the capability of Russian, Belarussian and Ukrainian researchers to carry out epidemiological studies of all kinds. This assistance includes training in radiation epidemiology and cancer registration, translation of a book on epidemiology into Russian, and agreement on the development of a common data format between Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. The expertise that Russian, Belarussian and Ukrainian researchers develop is also likely to prove useful in conducting future clinical trials of therapy.

Norwegian Study. In 1994, the Norwegian Radiation Protection Institute released the results of a study of the effects of the Chernobyl accident on Norway's ecosystem. According to the institute, radioactive cesium from the accident could remain in Norway's ecosystem for 10-20 years. Norwegian authorities reportedly estimate that 6-7 percent of the cesium released from Chernobyl came down in Norway.

Ukrainian Studies. Anatoliy Prisyazhiuk of the Ukrainian Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine reported data in 1994--published by the center--on the incidence of childhood leukemia, thyroid cancer and other cancers in three districts within 80 kilometers (50 miles) of the Chernobyl plant. According to the center, data for the period from 1981 to 1993 show a decline in the incidence rate for leukemia in children 10 to 14 years old, but an increase in the incidence rate for thyroid cancer in this age group. The three Ukrainian districts--Polesskoye, Nordichiy and Ovruch--were not evacuated after the accident, but according to soil testing they received the heaviest contamination in Ukraine outside the 30-kilometer (18-mile) zone around the Chernobyl plant.

In a letter published in a June 1995 issue of Nature, Ukrainian and U.K. researchers reported on the increased incidence of childhood thyroid cancer in Ukraine. The authors--Likhtarev, Sobolev and Kairo of the Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine, Tronko, Bogdanova, Oleinic and Epshtein of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Beral of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Cancer Epidemiology Unit, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford--concluded that "the pattern of thyroid cancer in relation to thyroid dose from 131I suggests that the increase in thyroid cancer in childhood reported in the Ukraine is likely to be a direct consequence of the accident at Chernobyl."

French-Russian Study. France's Institute of Nuclear Protection and Safety (IPSN) and the St. Petersburg Center for Ecological Medicine in Russia agreed in October 1994 to conduct a joint study of the so-called liquidators--the civilians and military personnel who participated in the Chernobyl accident cleanup. The two organizations will carry out research in biological dosimetry, which permits an estimation of the dose received by an individual by examining damage to his organism, and in digestive radiobiology, which entails the study of the effects of ionizing radiation on the digestive system.

The official Russian register lists more than 160,000 liquidators, most of whom worked within the 30-kilometer "forbidden zone" in the first two years after the accident and received an estimated average radiation dose of 165 millisievert (16.5 rem).

The St. Petersburg center has a Chernobyl registry with data on about 75,000 liquidators, and is studying about 14,000 of them. Aleksey Nikiforov, director of the center, is reported as saying that the liquidators being treated at the center are ill more often than the general population, suffer from old-age diseases such as arteriosclerosis before the age of 45, and have a much higher incidence of psychological disorders. In addition, the center's doctors are reportedly seeing an increase in solid tumors in the lung, bronchial tubes and stomach.

U.S. Studies. Under an agreement signed between the United States and the U.S.S.R. in 1988, the National Institutes of Health's National Cancer Institute (NCI) has been working with the governments of Belarus and Ukraine to prepare scientific protocols for thyroid studies in those two countries, and for leukemia studies in Ukraine. To support this work, the U.S. government has sent equipment and supplies to Belarus, and plans to send them to Ukraine. NCI is providing scientific, technical and medical expertise to Belarus and Ukraine for all aspects of the studies. In addition, Belarus and Ukraine will provide candidates for professional training in the United States.

The NCI thyroid studies are long-term (10-20 years or more) and involve the evaluation and medical follow-up of about 15,000 people in Belarus and 70,000 people in Ukraine who were children at the time of the Chernobyl accident.

In May 1994, Belarus and the United States agreed on a scientific protocol for the study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid disease among approximately 15,000 children. In July 1995, Ukraine and the United States agreed on a scientific protocol for the study of thyroid disease, especially cancer, among approximately 70,000 children who lived in areas of Ukraine heavily contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl accident. In both countries, children up to 18 years of age, and those in utero, at the time of the accident will be examined for thyroid disease at least every two years. Some 70,000 children had their thyroids measured for radioactivity during the first few weeks following the accident. The studies, which will be funded by the U.S. government, seek to quantify the thyroid cancer risk due to exposure to radioiodine, particularly iodine-131, and the role of potential cofactors, especially dietary iodine deficiency.

The NCI leukemia studies in Ukraine will involve some of the approximately 100,000 Ukrainian clean-up workers ("liquidators") who worked in the Chernobyl area in 1986 and 1987. Using physical and biological dosimetry techniques to reconstruct bone-marrow doses, researchers will study the incidence of leukemia and lymphoma over the next 10-20 years.

In another U.S. study, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the University of Washington, in collaboration with researchers from Russia, will explore the feasibility of physical dose reconstruction and biologic dose estimation; the collection, transportation and storage of blood; and the feasibility of identifying, locating and examining groups of exposed individuals.

Swiss-Belarussian Paper. According to a study published in 1994 by Theodor Abelin of the University of Berne in Switzerland and Belarussian researchers, the incidence of thyroid cancer in children up to 15 years of age in Belarus had risen from less than 0.1 per 100,000 children in 1986 to 2.6 per 100,000 in 1992. The authors' analysis of geographic variation in thyroid cancer in Belarus shows a reasonable correlation with presumptive patterns of radioiodine fallout.

The Health Impact: Some Cautionary Notes

There is no doubt that the Chernobyl accident caused enormous dislocation, stress and anxiety among the people living in the areas touched by the fallout. There is also evidence that it has caused an increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer among children. But radioactive contamination cannot be blamed for all the illnesses reported. Other factors must be considered:

Much of the affected population had never received modern, adequate health care. The extensive medical surveillance given these people since the accident may be uncovering medical problems and conditions that have always existed.

Medical data frequently do not exist for the period before the accident in 1986. As a result, it is difficult to measure the health impact of the Chernobyl accident, because there are often no baseline data to compare with post-accident statistics.

Parts of the affected region--particularly Belarus--are known to be iodine-poor areas with a high incidence of goiters (a thyroid abnormality). As a result, it is not possible to attribute all thyroid-related problems to radioiodine released during the accident.

The latency period for solid cancers--other than leukemia and thyroid cancer--to develop is usually at least 10 years. In spite of lurid reports of thousands of new cancer cases since the accident, there has not been sufficient time to determine the extent of Chernobyl-related cancers. However, several studies have found a sharp increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer among children in contaminated areas of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. The thyroid cancer latent period is likely to be shorter in children (5-10 years) than in adults (10-15 years).

Medical personnel in the region are generally not well trained in radiation science. Consequently, they attribute many illnesses to radiation, when radiation is not the cause.

There has been an increase--based on historic rates--in cases of high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, anemia and various pulmonary disorders since the accident. Although often attributed to radiation, these illnesses are more likely a result of the tremendous stress imposed on the region's population. Such stress appears to have been exacerbated by scientifically unfounded reports of the health effects of the accident. Also contributing to the rise in stress-related illnesses may be the widespread notion among the affected population that alcohol is an effective antidote to the effects of radiation. Some Western researchers say they have met cleanup workers who believe that death is imminent. This sense of doom, coupled with alcoholism and drug abuse among these workers, may be a factor in the reportedly high suicide rate for this group.

In the longer term, the radiation doses from the accident may lead to an increase in cancers and cancer deaths. The ability to detect future excess cancers, however, will depend on whether groups that received the highest doses and those that received lower doses can be identified and followed up satisfactorily. Unless the mortality registries (and the registries of cancer incidence) and the dose reconstruction exercises are improved substantially, a good correlation between disease and dose is not likely to be achieved.

December 1995

For the entire report read contents here
Read more on radiation sickness symptoms and protective measures

The following are various pages with basic info regarding what to look for if we're exposed enough and recommendations on prevention.  I've tried to eliminate anything that looked like promotional or unfounded info.
Radiation sickness 

By Mayo Clinic staff

The severity of signs and symptoms of radiation sickness depends on how much radiation you've absorbed. How much you absorb depends on the strength of the radiated energy and the distance between you and the source of radiation.

Absorbed dose and duration of exposure

The absorbed dose of radiation is measured in a unit called a gray (Gy). Diagnostic tests that use radiation, such as an X-ray, result in a small dose of radiation — typically well below 0.1 Gy, focused on a few organs or small amount of tissue.

Signs and symptoms of radiation sickness usually appear when the entire body receives an absorbed dose of at least 1 Gy. Doses greater than 6 Gy to the whole body are generally not treatable and usually lead to death within two days to two weeks, depending on the dose and duration of the exposure.

Initial signs and symptoms

The initial signs and symptoms of treatable radiation sickness are usually nausea and vomiting. The amount of time between exposure and when these symptoms develop is an indicator of how much radiation a person has absorbed.

After the first round of signs and symptoms, a person with radiation sickness may have a brief period with no apparent illness, followed by the onset of new, more serious symptoms.

In general, the greater your radiation exposure, the more rapid and more severe your symptoms will be.

Early symptoms of radiation sickness

Mild exposure (1-2 Gy) Moderate exposure (2-6 Gy) Severe exposure (6-8 Gy) Very severe exposure (8-10 Gy or higher)

Nausea and vomiting Within 6 hours Within 2 hours Within 1 hour Within 10 minutes

Diarrhea -- Within 8 hours Within 3 hours Within 1 hour

Headache -- Within 24 hours Within 4 hours Within 2 hours

Fever -- Within 3 hours Within 1 hour Within 1 hour

Later symptoms of radiation sickness

Dizziness and disorientation -- -- Within 1 week Immediate

Weakness, fatigue Within 4 weeks Within 1-4 weeks Within 1 week Immediate

Hair loss, bloody vomit and stools, infections, poor wound healing, low blood pressure -- Within 1-4 weeks Within 1 week Immediate

Source: Adapted from "Bushberg JT. Radiation exposure and contamination. The Merck Manuals: The Merck Manual for Healthcare Professionals" and "Upton AC. Radiation injury. In: Goldman L, et al., eds. Cecil Medicine. 23rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa.: Saunders Elsevier; 2007."

Research on Protection from Radiation Exposure

In 1945, at the time of the atomic bombing of Japan, Tatsuichiro Akizuki, M.D. was Director of the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Francis’s Hospital in Nagasaki. Most patients in the hospital, located one mile from the center of the blast, survived the initial effects of the bomb, but soon after came down with symptoms of radiation sickness from the fallout that has been released.

Dr. Akizuki fed his staff and patients a strict diet of brown rice, miso and tamari soy soup, wakame, kombu and other seaweed, Hokkaido pumpkin, and sea salt and prohibited the consumption of sugar and sweets.

As a result, he saved everyone in his hospital, while many other survivors perished from radiation sickness.

Source: Tatsuichiro Akuziki, M.D. Nagasaki 1945, London Quarter books, 1981. (Brown rice, miso, Sea vegetables, Salt)

In 1968 Canadian researchers reported that sea vegetables contained a polysaccharide substance that selectively bound radioactive strontium and helped eliminate it from the body. In laboratory experiments, sodium alginate prepared from kelp, kombu, and other brown seaweeds off the Atlantic and pacific coasts was introduced along with strontium and calcium into rats. The reduction of radioactive particles in bone uptake, measured in the femur, reached as high as 80%, with little interference with calcium absorption.


(Whole grains help to protect us from the deleterious health effects of radiation exposure in five ways):

1) Grains are low on the food chain. Although they may have been exposed to pollution and radiation, they do not have the concentration of contaminants that is found in meat and large fish, which are at the top of the food chain.

2) Important with respect to radiation protection is the high fiber and phosphorous contents in grains. The binding ability of these substances helps the body to remove poisons.

3) The bulking factor of grains lessens the intestinal transit time and so hasten the elimination of all toxins.

4) Being neither very acid nor very alkaline, grains help us to maintain the middle-range pH that has been found to increase our resistance to radiation.

5) Whole grains provide vitamin B6, which is indispensable for the thymus. In addition, their calcium content guards against uptake of radioactive strontium, and their vitamin E and selenium prevent cellular damage caused by free radicals.

(Ed: when the body lacks calcium it replaces it with srontium, a radioactive element. Both have identical atomic structures. The intake of refined/simple sugar/dairy products are the main causes of this depletion of calcium) (Identical structure Strontium and Calcium (pdf file))


1) Refined, genetic modified and processed foods

2) Fatty foods (meat, dairy products)- especially what isn’t hormone-free, organic, etc.

3) Simple sugars (white sugar), soft drinks

Source: Diet for the Atomic Age by Sara Shannon-Avery Publishing Group Inc., Wayne, New Jersey.

The products mentioned in this message are available in most of the health stores.
(Excerpted from:

Important Supplements For Protection from EMF
Supplements for Protection From EMF

Iodine - The MOST important supplement to help protect against the damage of all types of radiation AND helps repair the damage after exposure. The main reason iodine protects against EMF damage is the support it gives the thyroid which gives EMF protection, it ensures programmed cell death of damaged and diseased cells (cancer cells shrink when given iodine), iodine helps remove heavy metals (heavy metals encourage electromagnetic radiation damage) and has a protective effect on brain tissue.

In order to properly utilize iodine take selenium, magnesium and vitamin C with it. The most effective iodine I found to help my EMF hypersensitivity and to protect from EMF exposure is Lugol's iodine.

Spirulina - Having electromagnetic sensitivity, I have found a strong protective effect of taking spirulina on a daily basis and especially before I go into environmental EMF radiation areas. Provides cell protection and proper bone marrow functioning including production of red blood cells (red blood cells are destroyed by EMF radiation), provides carotenes that protect against cancer cell generation.

Spirulina is a whole food so you need to consume at least the recommended serving amount or more for best protection from EMF.

Noni - Has stabilized iridoids which are powerful adaptogens.

Curcumin - Neutralizes free radicals which protect against cell damage, protects from detrimental effects of radiation by regulating cell division. Also reduces inflammation caused by radiation. Prevents and eliminates plaque in brain associated with alzheimer's and can be caused from EMF radiation exposure.

Algin - Detoxes the body from ionizing radiation like strontium 90, cesium 137, along with blocking their absorption and also detoxes heavy metals like mercury from the body which magnifies EMF radiation damage.

Melatonin - Production is decreased by exposure to EMF’s, probably second most important supplement consideration for protection from EMF next to iodine. New study shows it helps reverse damage to brain neurons caused by EMF exposure. Necessary for good sleep, regulates gonadal hormones, moods, behavior, key component of immune system, regulates internal clock and has direct effect on the growth of breast, prostate and colon cancers. Take only at night.
Minerals for EMF Health

When exposed to EMF radiation, the protective calcium coating is removed from the outside of the cells allowing the cell to dump its selenium, potassium, lithium, calcium and magnesium causing a shortage in these minerals which must them be replenished for best protection from EMF.

Selenium - Exposure to EMF’s cause a loss of this mineral, protects DNA from radiation damage, assists in the proper utilization of iodine in the body, known to have a protective effect against the production of cancer cells.

Potassium - Exposure to EMF’s cause loss of this mineral, deficiency associated with Alzheimer’s, muscle/nerve weakness, mental confusion, heart disturbances, water imbalances, pH balance, kidney and adrenal malfunction.

Lithium - Protects brain neurons from radiation damage, exposure to EMF’s cause loss of this mineral, loss of this nutrient contributes to stress, ADHD, depression and other psychological disorders such as declined mood and lack of calmness. Use organic aspartate plant source and start out with much less than recommended. Full dosage on bottle is rarely needed.
Magnesium - Exposure to EMF’s cause loss of this nutrient, helps neutralize bad effects from exiting calcium, has a calming effect, second in concentration amounts in the cells, deficiency associated with muscle/nerve weakness, mental confusion, heart disturbances, promotes restful sleep, supports regular bowel function, assists potassium and calcium metabolism, regulates blood pressure.

Copper - Alternating magnetic currents deplete this mineral in the body which is responsible for protecting the myelin sheath. Myelin sheath damage is what causes multiple sclerosis. MS is one of the health problems associated with EMF radiaion. See more about diseases associated with EMF exposure. Deficienies of copper also affect connective tissue (arthritis issues), heart function, colon problems (including cancer, IBS, diarrhea), hemoglobin production, choloesterol, thyroid, mental and emotional health, seizures, skin, bone abnormalties. Copper supplementation must be balanced with zinc, selenium and vitamin C supplementation.

Calcium - Exposure to EMF’s cause loss of this nutrient, exiting calcium causes arthritis, kidney stones, osteoporoses, pH imbalance, required for mood stabilization and calmness.

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