
Thursday, August 1

When you're a citizen of a corporation, your best interest isnt their priority. Ten Million fraudulent home forclosures allowed by US Incorporated Congress Million US Incorporated Subjects, aka citizens were robbed of their homes by Congress who did nothing to stop the banking cartels. Why is that?

The article states 10 million, the truth is far worse of course as the ones who hold the statistics manipulate them for their own bottom line. The reality is, US Congress has the ability to stop this but they didnt, and dont, and wont, why? Its profit for them. This so called 'country' is bankrupt, it has been since the Civil War.
These non citizen congressmen are using the subjects of US Incorporated as the payoff for the congressional debt that is their bankruptcy, though they did a good job convincing the people that the debt was theirs.

We human beings were here before any incorporations, before con gress or govern mental control.... we allowed corporations to exist among us because they were supposed to be for the general welfare of the people, well fare, as in faring well .... not a handout or table scraps, they were on our land and allowed to hold status because they were going to make our lives better but look, hows that working for us now?

We need to divest power, the power we gave to congress, we need to take back to our selves. Is it possible? Yes, it is. Why do we think we need these overlords anyway? Oh right, the war on terror and drugs. Hmmm.. the only terror I see is the bullshit they have created and that the media they own blasts at us, and wars are what they wage against humans elsewhere who havent yet succumbed to their overlordship, the thing called Capitalism.  Capit means head by the way. Capitalism is the value of each of our heads.  What are we worth. They have made a commercial schematic of human trafficking that counts human beings via all manner of industry from insurance to medical, taxation to criminalization. We the people are the gross domestic product. Why do you think they let manufacturing go to hell in the good ol USInc?  Its not about what we produce, its about how our energy is producing for them via the various means of use during our lifetime.
From being a consumer and worker paying taxes to being unemployed by design so younger people can take the job you had as a 50 year old, causing you to be redistributed via foreclosure and legal battle, then thru psychological or other medical industrial use, until you are either criminalized or dying of cancer and put thru that wringer and then your children take your place, round and round.  All of this has gone on for decades but the shiny distractions and television programming is ongoing to keep us mesmerized into a false reality. How clever they are ..they convinced debt slaves that they were free. The very dollar bills we use, most think of as money but they are debt notes. They arent worth a shit. Not worth any thing of value.
Those cocksuckers keep dumping more of em into the economy which makes each one in your hand worth less and less. The only value those notes have are in debt amounts.
We think we are free because the media tells us we are the freest nation on the planet, but the truth is, nobody thinks about what freedom really is.  When congress controls the economic landscape and does nothing to stop cartels, and consistently spy on us, out of fear we may not be going along with their program this time, and lying bold faced on so called television news, on the airwaves the people are supposed to own but are charged for, that isnt freedom... the American dream was always a farce, they let us have some pittance of our natural inheritance they stole from us under the guise they were protecting us, protecting us from whom? From what? How much worse does it need to get before we all see who the criminals are here? what the fuck are we thinking?
We have to wake up now and put the brain we were given to use before the fluoride in the water, the mercury in the vaccines and the pharmaceuticals they push on us for everything along with the genetic modification of our food pushes the brain we have into a sloggy non thinking organ that only keeps the autonomic functions alive and the compulsion to consume the only function of  living.

Congress is the New World Order...  look at the shit they're doing...

From an alert I received just now..
You won’t believe this, but Senator Durbin has actually reintroduced his disastrous anti-supplement bill!
Today, just as Congress is preparing to recess until the second week in September, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) reintroduced legislation that would deal a deadly blow to nutritional supplements.
This bill is a naked new FDA power grab—an attempt to move us one step closer to a full FDA pre-approval system for supplements. That, of course, would just make supplements insanely expensive, like drugs—if you could get them at all.
URGENT! Please write to your senators immediately and tell them to stop Sen. Durbin’s frontal attack on your right to use supplements dead in its tracks! We don’t need this new legislation—all we need is for existing laws to be fully enforced. We do need our access to nutritional supplements to be protected.

Why would a member of congress be so fucking hard boiled out to stop nutritional supplements as this prick has been for years if congress was on the side of human beings?

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